Step 1

Check Your Voter Registration Status

If it’s been a while since you’ve voted (or even if it hasn’t), now’s the time to make sure you’re registered at your current address.

Step 2

Register to Vote

Not registered to vote? Take the time to sign up now—it only takes 2 minutes.

Step 3

Request an Absentee Ballot

Casting your ballot ahead of Election Day gives you peace of mind and is a great way to avoid the last-minute in-person rush.

Step 4

Preview your Ballot

Before you head to your polling place or fill out your absentee ballot, see who’s running, and which candidates are recommended by educators!

Step 5

Support Pro–Public Education Candidates

Spread the word! Sign our pledge to share that you’ll be voting for candidates who support students, educators, and public schools—then encourage your friends to do the same.